Saturday 21 August 2010

Leaving California...for Japan!!

Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy it. I plan to write about my adventures, funny stories, weird experiences, culture shocks, etiquette faux pas, and so much more while I am living in Japan for the next year!

Enjoy! Arigatou gozaimasu! (Thank you!)

Okay everyone...after 9 long hours in the airplane, I made it to Tokyo! For the first three days, we stayed at the Keio Plaza in Tokyo. This hotel was amazing, beautiful, and the service was incredible. Every time it was ready to eat, there would be an elaborate buffet waiting for us and waiters to take care of our every was certainly heaven after getting off the plane and feeling quite jet lagged.

The orientation was short and much information to listen to. We attended several seminars ranging in topics from driving in Japan to etiquette in Japan. All were interesting and informative. At the end of each day, we were ready for fresh air and to explore the city. Tokyo is amazing at night...all of the neon lights are incredible and the food is delicious too. On my first night, I ate udon noodles, inari, and tempura. Not bad, eh? :)

My roommates in Tokyo were so great as well (featured in photo above) :)

Kate will be going to Chiba and Alyssa will be living in Miyazaki (two cities in completely different parts of Japan!) I am somewhere in the middle. I will be living in Gunma Prefecture, which is in the middle of Japan and unfortunately no where near the ocean...but, it has some amazingly beautiful mountains and greenery to make up for my missing water.

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