Wednesday 6 October 2010

JET Soccer Tournament

This past weekend, many JETs drove to Nagano, the next prefecture over from Gunma. We spent 1.5 days up in the beautiful mountains of Nagano, playing soccer and cheering on our Gunma men's and women's team.

This was one of the rare opportunities where we got to meet other ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) who teach all over Japan...not just in our prefecture and not only JETs.

The soccer tournament is held on professional soccer fields high in the mountains of Nagano, the same area where they held the 1998 winter olympics. I am so looking forward to seeing those mountains covered in beautiful snow for skiing season!

After the first day of the tournament, we went to the hotel (which was Japanese style)- 6 to a room, with futons on the floor and not beds. It was certainly very cozy and a great relaxing environment to hang out. The hotel also had an onsen bath to relax our muscles and get clean. Onsens are part of the ritualistic Japanese experience and you HAVE to try it when you are here...(you also have to get over the fact that everyone is naked in them too...!!!)

After dinner, we got to dance the night away at the JET dance party...that was certainly a very fun and interesting experience...there will be stories to tell for many months ;)

Next week: day trip to the ocean and to see Niigata!!!

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