Saturday 18 September 2010



I spent the weekend in Tokyo two weeks ago and it is an amazing city to say the least. It is full of vibrant character, snazzy bars, fashionable Japanese, and beautiful historic temples and palaces. Despite the intense heat and humidity, my friend Karen and I were still able to enjoy walking around, taking pictures of the Imperial palace, and seeing the many neighborhoods that Tokyo has to offer.

My favorites of the weekend were: walking around the crazy electronic district with tons of neon lights and electronic stores for miles...this is where most people like to buy electronics for discount prices. The music coming from these stores might make you go temporarily noise deaf for awhile ;)

Tokyo night life is also an amazing way to see the city: word of advice to everyone who wants to see Tokyo at its best, go to the Hyatt in Tokyo and sip a martini at the 52nd floor in The New York Bar. The prices are steep but the live music bands are amazing and the view even more amazing. My friend and I spend four hours in here because the surroundings were beautiful and the feeling of being on top of the most amazing city, even better!

Senso-ji Temple is another highlight of the trip. This gigantic temple is hot spot for worshippers that come just to drink the holy water and make a prayer or two inside. The garden out back is very beautiful with a pond and gigantic orange fish. The temple is very impressive and the shops that stand in front of it sold many beautiful crafts (fans, kimonos etc...) to tourists. Avoid going on a weekend...way too many people!

The parks in Tokyo are amazing and beautiful and every visitor should have tea when given the chance. We had cold green tea in the park called Hamarikyu Park in the tea pavilion, which was located in the middle of the lake. This experience was spiritual, relaxing, and very Japanese. When you go inside the pavilions, you must remove your shoes and expect to be waited upon by soft spoken Japanese women who are more than happy to serve you tea on the tatami mat floor in a serene environment. (After awhile, if you are not use to this...your legs will fall asleep) ;)

Tokyo is such a big city and I have only begun to explore weekend in this city is certainly not enough to really capture its full flavor and character...I still want to experience its nightlife, museums, and more enchanting shrines.

I didn't have time yet to visit Ueno Park or Meiji Shrine, so that will be my next "To-Do" things next time I am in Tokyo later this Fall.

Hope you enjoy the pictures from Tokyo! xoxo

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