On March 29, 2011, I decided to come home to the U.S. after an amazing 8 months in Japan. My time working, living, and learning in Takasaki, Japan was such an incredible experience, that I will never forget my life there. I met amazing people, learned some important Japanese phrases and words, and taught at two exceptional schools (one middle school and one elementary). I also learned how to play the koto instrument, joined the community orchestra, took Japanese classes, and joined the Takasaki French club for monthly meetings in French.
I will never forget the people nor the intricate and beautiful Japanese culture that I experienced. Each day was so exciting and each memory will be with me forever. After the horrible earthquake, tsunami, and destruction at the Fukushima Power Plant, my family and friends urged me to return home, much to my stubborn response of "No!" But quickly I realized that the situation was unstable and that the best thing was to go home to calm the nerves of my family and friends. While my city, Takasaki, is not close to the power plant, people were concerned about radiation leaking into the water, food, and other important resources for humans. It is definitely a good idea not to expose oneself to radiation if one can help it...
I feel lucky that my boyfriend and family could visit me in Japan before my departure. Beat and I were able to see the beautiful cities of Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka before flying back to the U.S. Japan is a unique country: weaving tradition with modernity. In Kyoto, we saw beautiful geisha walking next to businessman. The two seem to live and co-exist quite beautifully in Japan. The Japanese are proud of their heritage and culture; I am truly blessed to have been able to live in Japan for 8 months and experience daily life in Takasaki.
I wish all my JET friends who are still in Japan the best of luck and please stay safe. I am still posting pictures on facebook of my amazing trips in Japan, but my blog about living in Japan must unfortunately come to an end.
Thank you to my friends and family for reading it and commenting. My experiences in Japan are truly unforgettable and I look forward to the day when I can return to Takasaki and meet my friends again.
All the best!